CRank: 5Score: 34070

You have to remember that Microsoft doesn't show its hand early like Sony. They always keep things hush hush. Until E3 rolls about then we will see what they have in store.

5685d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

and i have 27 disagrees and counting.

XliveGamer, Some people on here will never understand. They dont get it.

I used to have 10 bubbles (Not that i care) But then i start talking straight over a couple of weeks and im down by half.


Mass Effect
Splinter Cell
Dead Rising
Left for Dead
Viva Pinata
GTA Exclusives
Fallout Ex...

5685d ago 12 agree15 disagreeView comment

Its always a matter of preference.

5685d ago 21 agree64 disagreeView comment

Take your goggles off.

5685d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

because unlike Sony they have not showed any games except for Halo ODST. Im also looking forward to 'Bringing it Home' on Live. Also looking forward to MAG. I really want a HUGE open world FPS online. Huxley was suppose to deliver but they've been MIA.

5689d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment
5691d ago

Looks like the gameplay will fall flat on its face. You stand back and zap your way through town. Maybe a rent. Instead i think i'll get Prototype.

5692d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have them all. Never sold them,

5694d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and developers are not making games for it either.

5700d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is sooo true. Im still getting Killzone just so i have something to play on my PS3 that i cant get on my 360. I wish more people were like Destructoid and Edge. Honest opinions no matter what.

5703d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've been here from the old days. This site has catered to your needs. Your people flourish on here.

5705d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

That i dont like about HHG "articles". There are written with not facts. They post 'opinions' as facts and what makes it worse is that they actually believe they are being truthful.

5705d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but it has gotten insane lately. Sony fanboys keep approving Hydro1x flaimbait "articles". Those are horrible articles. I remember when there were only a few fanboys and they can easily be put to one bubble. Now it's almost impossible to keep a discussion civil on here.

Edit- I lost a bubble. Figures LOL

5705d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

It sucks that N4G has gone sooo low. HHG is only making it worse with their "Journalism"

Edit- I lost a bubble. Figures LOL

5705d ago 12 agree21 disagreeView comment

Im a bit ashamed to be part of N4G. Sony fanboys have really ruined this site. HHG is only giving them fuel to continue. HHG will no longer get my support.

I dont mind Sony Fans. Its the fanboys that are giving us a bad rep. HHG is giving us a bad rep. At first it was only once a week when we would see a HHG story. It was fine back then. Now the spam NG4 with Flaimbait "articles". Im just tired of it.

Edit- I lost a bubble. Figures LOL

5705d ago 18 agree17 disagreeView comment

I think he is talking about streaming movie. When you download a video from Live you dont have to wait until the movie download is complete. After about 3 min its ready to stream.

5706d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im sure it will deliver

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but i dont think it was ever on PS2.

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess in time we will see what kind of writer you'll become. This story failed. If you keep writing im sure you eventually hit your stride. If its HHgamer fault this story is bad we will eventually see.

5713d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

We can agree to disagree. If you really want to be a journalist be a journalist. Dont be a fanboy. Most gamers on NG4 can smell fanboys a mile away.

This article is just poorly written. Im sure HHgamer told you write an article but he didn't write for you. He is relying on you to make his website a better site. However, with stuff like this it makes it look elementary at best.

Dont state how legit your site is by saying it is. Just keep posting news, article and inte...

5713d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment